Logistics Management Strategies for Mining

Logistics Management Strategies for Mining

Logistics are at the core of any successful mining operation. Removing materials from the earth is a laborious task. But managing those materials and getting them to where they need to go efficiently takes intelligent logistics management strategies.

We look at the top logistic strategies you can use to increase your mining operation’s return on investment.

Create A Smart Supply Chain

A smart supply chain is a simple one. Overly complex supply chains hide some of the best opportunities for improving processes. Some of the biggest losses in mining operations go completely unnoticed.

Taking advantage of all-in-one management software is one of the best ways to simplify supply chain management. This offers a much clearer picture of operations since all the tools are part of one system. The result is the prevention of inefficiencies or losses from slipping through the cracks.


Automation is making big moves in mining. Automated machinery and equipment are becoming commonplace. Beyond remote control and driver assist, some mining vehicles and equipment are being converted into fully autonomous mining units. These help to reduce some of the risks and costs and increase efficiency.

But it’s not just the equipment that’s making the switch to automation. Automation is becoming a must-have component for mining software. Mining logistics software leverages automation to:

  • – Identify problem areas and productivity bottlenecks
  • – Improve accountability
  • – Create a clear picture of ROI

Managing to & from Remote Locations

Mining operations often take place in remote locations. As a result, key management is not always onsite – especially if they are managing multiple locations. Whether managing to or from a remote location, it’s important to use tools that keep you on the pulse.

This includes communications tools as well as monitoring software, so you can accurately understand and manage operations. Some of the key logistics management features for these tools include:

  • – Capacity monitoring
  • – Freight cost monitoring
  • – Spotting inconsistencies
  • – Managing communication

Asset Management

In addition to monitoring operations, monitoring assets is an essential logistics management strategy in mining. Vehicles and equipment are major costs in mining operations. To maintain profitability, it’s essential to prevent loss and keep them in good repair.

Take advantage of asset management software with tracking features to prevent and identify equipment loss or theft. This software makes it easy to identify where equipment should be, where it was last used, and who it was used by.

As well, asset management in mining keeps track of operational costs and utilization of equipment. Track repair costs and frequency, as well as which equipment is most frequently in use. This can help inform smart future purchasing decisions.

Establish Dedicated Resources & Systems

Large mining operations can have a lot of buying leverage for freight and shipping. However, buying decisions is often left to location managers, so that leverage is not taken advantage of. In addition to higher freight costs, this is indicative of a larger problem in mining.

Many supply chain decisions are made on-site, which do not necessarily best reflect the overall company. This can mean higher overall costs, inconsistent service, and an inefficient supply chain.

Taking advantage of dedicated resources and systems provides better oversight of operations.

This increases visibility and control, as well as allowing companies to better leverage their buying power.

All-In-One Logistics Management Software for Mining Operations

Taskflow Pro is all-in-one field service management software. Manage your essential management services, from logistics to CRM, all on one platform. This keeps information up-to-date and accurate in one intuitive, cohesive tool.

Discover how Taskflow Pro can transform your mining company.